Doctors, dentists welcomed to western P.E.I.

Western P.E.I. welcomed some very special newcomers Tuesday: two doctors and two dentists who recently set up practices in the area.

"If you don't have a family physician you rely on the emergency room, which puts a strain on the emergency room," said Krystina Pottier, who organized the reception.
"We have an older population. It's sometimes difficult to for them to travel to Summerside or Charlottetown to see a doctor or a dentist."
Both of the new doctors greeted Tuesday night completed the P.E.I. Family Medicine Residency Program. That program began in 2011 as a way to get residents to experience the province and hopefully stay. So far 12 have.
Dr. Filza Naveed is from Ontario but loved her time in residence on the Island. She has signed on for a one-year contract but said she is open to staying. She is interested in the diversity of work that comes with a rural practice.
"Being in a rural environment you just never know what you're going to get," said Naveed.
"One day I might be their family doctor and the next day I'm their emergency doctor. I'm hoping it will really help me grow as a physician."
All four of the newcomers are overwhelmed with the support and welcome from the community, and not just at Tuesday's reception.
"It's a really warm welcome by everyone, especially at my office," said dentist Dr. Sree Vidya Lagisetty.
"It's a lovely place. No words really."
Both dentists have already started practising, Lagisetty in Bloomfield and Dr. German Gomez in Tignish. Naveed starts in the emergency room Wednesday. Dr Megan Burns started in July but is now on maternity leave. She will return full time after her leave it is complete.
The two doctors will each take 1,100 to 1,500 patients off the wait list.