Dredging of Andrews Pond/Wrights Creek continues
Project should be complete by mid-August

The City of Charlottetown is spending thousands of dollars this summer to continue dredging Andrews Pond and Wrights Creek in East Royalty.
Wrights Creek runs under St. Peters Road, just outside the Charlottetown bypass. The series of streams and ponds was once known for its good fishing, but silt has filled in the pond over the years.
Last summer, the city teamed up with the Wright’s Creek Watershed Environmental Committee to dredge the pond, but the work wasn't completed.
“Any time you're improving the environment, it's probably a wise investment, I guess,” said Coun. Terry Bernard.
“Not only is this a historic pond, but the environmental aspects of this pond and restoring it back to its natural state. We're pleasantly surprised how the wildlife have responded just from the dredging that's been done so far from last year.”
This year the city is spending $70,000 on the project. Last year it spent $60,000. Several other groups also contributed money.
The city says it will also spend up to $30,000 to build docks and create paths around the pond.
The dredging should be complete by mid-August.