Drunk boaters target of new signs at P.E.I. harbours
MADD Canada and province team up to make Island waterways safer

New signs have been going up this fall at some harbours in P.E.I. encouraging people to call 911 if they see a boater they think is impaired.
The P.E.I. government, RCMP and MADD Canada have teamed up for the program, which is designed to highlight the dangers of impaired boating and to encourage the boating community to help prevent it.
RCMP spokeswoman Sgt. Leanne Butler said road signs alerting motorists to call 911 if they suspect someone is drinking and driving, have already made a difference. She hopes the same will be true for this program.
"Certainly it has had a large impact for the whole province. We get a lot of calls now that we wouldn't have gotten before. And we are hoping that this will also encourage the same thing," said Butler.
"They will promote safe boating, not drinking and driving when you're on the water and they will also encourage again people to call 911 if they see somebody who is drinking and driving while boating."
The new signs have been installed at harbours in Tracadie, Morell, Rustico and Tignish.
More will be going up next spring.
MADD Canada has produced and installed more than 400 "Report Impaired Boaters" signs at harbours, marinas and boat launches across the country.
The Island's conservation officers will also be watching for impaired operators as they patrol waterways.
Government officials say, despite the risks, 37 per cent of boaters in Canada admit to consuming alcohol every time they boat, and nearly two-thirds admit to consuming alcohol sometimes when boating.