Early childhood educator wages discussed in legislature
No wage increases for early childhood educators in five years
Early Learning Minister Hal Perry told the P.E.I. Legislature Thursday if early childhood educators want a raise, he's willing to speak with them.

Wages for certified staff working in government-regulated early years centres were set in 2010, and haven't gone up since. They range from $12 to $16.88 hour.
Perry was responding to a question from Opposition MLA Sidney MacEwen.
"We've got very hard working employees working at the liquor stores, who are making more than our educators," said MacEwen.
"Will you commit to at least indexing their salaries?"
Liquor Control Commission employee salaries start at $18.82 an hour, which is more than the top wage for an early childhood educator. The wage in liquor stores can go as high as $20.20.
Perry said early childhood educators are a very important part of the education system.
"They do a tremendous amount of good work for our young learners, and I am committed to listening to their concerns and meeting with them."
MacEwen suggested that, at a minimum, the minister should index the salaries to inflation.