Pharmacy flu shots still popular in P.E.I.
Pharmacists expect to deliver 12,500 doses, compared to 10,000 in 2014

P.E.I. pharmacists are getting more flu vaccine from the province this season to ensure they can meet demand.
Last year was the first time pharmacists on P.E.I. could administer the flu shot and demand was so high that many ran out of vaccine.
The demand is strong again this year, proving that Islanders like the convenience of the service, says Erin MacKenzie, executive director of the Prince Edward Island Pharmacists Association.
"Pharmacies again this year have been really embraced as a place for people to get their flu shot. Within the first week, pharmacists had already delivered 4,000-plus flu shots to folks in the community," said MacKenzie.
'Waiting for that next wave'
"We will see a lot of pharmacies waiting for that next wave of supply to come in. There has been an increase in the amount that has been allotted from the provincial stock to pharmacies."
She says the association expects pharmacists will deliver about 12,500 doses of the flu shot this year.
"And that number could increase should the demand increase."
That compares to a total of 10,000 doses given to pharmacists in 2014.
They actually started out with 3,500 last year and received extra vaccines later in the season.
- More flu vaccine available soon in Island pharmacies
- Flu vaccine scarce at pharmacies
- Pharmacies proving popular spot for flu shots
MacKenzie says this year's vaccine is being distributed a few times through the season, with the bulk coming in the next week or two.
A few pharmacists have already run out of the initial vaccine supply given to get things started this year, she says.