Gas below $1 for the first time since 2010
The price of gas is below $1 a litre in P.E.I. Tuesday morning for the first time since October 2010 as the world price for crude continues to drop.
Regular self-serve ranges between 99.9 and 101 cents per litre

Prices at gas stations in the Charlottetown area are at 99.9 cents a litre after the 6.7 cent price drop was announced at midnight by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission.
The price for regular self-serve ranges between 99.9 and 101 cents per litre.
Heating oil, and diesel are also down by 3.0 cents per litre.
The price for gas has dropped 14.3 cpl this month. On Dec. 1, the price went down 2.1 cents per litre and then another 5.5 cents in an unscheduled drop on Dec. 9.
Overall, prices are down 26 per cent since Oct. 1.