Ghostbusters go to work on P.E.I.

A mother-daughter team has set themselves up on Prince Edward Island to help people get rid of unwanted ghosts.
Nicole Tremblay and her mother Rosaling Hennigar moved to P.E.I. about a year ago, and have formed the Island Paranormal Research Group. Tremblay told CBC News Wednesday the main goal of the group is not to hunt ghosts, but to help people.
"A lot of people when they do have a haunting they kind of think that they're crazy. I've been in that situation before, as had the co-founder, and I know what it feels like," said Tremblay.
"Sometimes that's all a client needs for help, is someone to sit there and say, 'OK, I know what you're going through. I've been through it. I believe you. This is what we can do. This is how we can help.'"
Tremblay said she and her mother have been haunted for six or seven years.
The group is self-taught and their services are free.
They are still looking for their first client, but have been looking into some well-known Island cases, such as the fabled witch's grave in the Old Catholic Cemetery in Charlottetown.