Health PEI runs out of organ donation stickers

New health cards from Health PEI are being delivered without stickers for the organ donation box, because the agency is trying to find a new supplier.
The health cards have a box on the back where Islanders can indicate with a sticker whether they want to be an organ donor. Up until recently, red stickers were included in the envelope when new health cards were mailed out.
Health PEI officials say earlier this year the vendor who supplies the cards stopped providing the stickers. Another provider has not been found, but the office is trying to find one.
In the meantime, people who wish to be an organ or tissue donor can affix any sticker - of any shape or colour - to the square on the back of their health card.
Health PEI officials also note the sticker is an indication of a person's wishes, but is not a form of consent. That has to come from family members.