How to save a horse from a swimming pool

A course at the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown is teaching participants how to deal with emergencies involving large animals.
The Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue course has attracted people from all over the country, and even New Zealand, to the Island campus.
The 75 participants include veterinary students, firefighters, police, and even military personnel.
Instructor Rebecca Gimenez said students will learn things like how to lift a horse with a sling.
"We want them to walk away and say, hey, I don't have a recipe for how to rescue a horse out of a pool or out of mud, but I know basically what I should expect. I can work with my local emergency responders when they come to the scene, I can suggest better ideas than what I have seen in the past."
Gimenez has taught the course all over the world, but this is her first time teaching it course in Canada. The participants will graduate with a certificate on Saturday.