Influenza cases confirmed on Prince Edward Island
Health PEI says there have been six lab confirmed cases of the flu on Prince Edward Island so far this season.
Six lab confirmed cases of the flu on Prince Edward Island so far this season

Health PEI says there have been six lab confirmed cases of the flu on Prince Edward Island so far this season.
Officials say there were no hospitalizations as a result of the diagnosis.
Health officials say it's important to remember that lab confirmed cases are just an indication that there is evidence of influenza-like illnesses across the province and not everyone is tested.
P.E.I. residents are being asked to take preventative measures such as washing hands often, coughing into sleeves, staying home if sick, and getting the flu shot.
Enterovirus is still active as well. Health officials say there have been four lab confirmed cases on the Island to date.
All the cases involved children under the age of 10 and all have since recovered.