Kindergarten teacher cut rumours denied
The P.E.I. Department of Education is strongly denying claims it intends to cut the number of kindergarten teacher positions.

The Opposition is claiming government plans to increase the student teacher ratio from one teacher for every 15 students to one for every 18. That would mean a cut of as many as four positions in the Eastern School District.
"The kindergarten teachers, that have been hearing from their principals this week, they are really worried and for whatever reason they do not trust this government," said Opposition leader Olive Crane.
Education Minister Doug Currie flatly denied the allegation. He said the formula for kindergarten class sizes has not changed ... and won't be changing.

"There's a 1 and 15 ratio and there's been no policy changes from the department with respect to that mandate," said Currie.
There is some basis in fact for the rumours. While the department target is an average of one teacher for every 15 kids in kindergarten, the actual ratio where more money is provided to a school to reduce class size with more teaching resources is one to 18.
But that is not a change in policy, said Currie, and no kindergarten teaching positions are due to be cut in the Eastern School District.