Lawn pesticide use opposed at public meeting

A public meeting in Stratford, P.E.I. Thursday saw about 100 people turn out to support the mayor's goal of increasing controls on the use of cosmetic pesticides in the community.
Resident Matthew Anderson is worried about what some in his community are doing to keep their lawns looking so green and pristine.

"We've only been here just barely a year and we're already thinking of moving," said Anderson.
"We'll take a loss in our property if this gets worse."
The provincial government introduced legislation in 2010 that bans the use of the chemical 2,4-D for cosmetic use, but it has come under criticism recently because in subsequent years many provinces have introduced more comprehensive bans.
Mayor David Dunphy told the meeting the town wants to increase controls.
"We have listed the regulation of pesticides as one of our goals," he said.
But provincial officials say such regulation does not fall under the control of municipalities. Either the province would have to change the pesticide legislation, or change the Municipalities Act to allow towns and cities to do it.
CropLife Canada, a group that represents developers and distributors of pest products, was not at the meeting, but said Health Canada monitors every pesticide on the market and that nobody benefits when other levels of government impose scientifically unmerited restrictions.
For mobile device users: Do P.E.I.'s laws controlling cosmetic pesticides go far enough?