Canadian Lebanese Association of P.E.I. has permanent home
New facility comes after association fundraises for goal for over 40 years

The Lebanese community had something extra to celebrate at their annual levee party — their own building.
Members of Canadian Lebanese Association of P.E.I. have been wanting a space to call their own since 1963. It is estimated over $200,000 was raised over the past 40 years to make it happen.
The doors to the Lebanese Cultural Centre opened in December.
"It just feels really good to be standing in this room right now, all the work that we put in, all the dollars that were saved, every penny, people helped in any way they could, it's finally come to a realization now," said Nick Tweel, a member of the the association.
The association plans to host functions in the new building. They hope to start offering Arabic classes within the year as well as music and dance lessons.
"It's all about preserving our heritage, letting our children know when they grow up, this is where your parents are from, this is where your family is from, and don't ever lose who you are," said Fadi Rashed, also a member of the Lebenese association.
"To me this is a dream come true, not only for me but for the Lebanese community here on P.E.I.," said Fouah Haddad.
"This is a place we can call home. By having a clubhouse here for ourselves, we can say yes we have a foundation, we have a place we can come together."
Funds raised from the annual Lebanese Levee will continue to go towards the clubhouse and future Lebanese cultural events.