Liberals 'scared of political fallout' on abortion
The Liberal government on P.E.I. is defending an illogical policy on abortion in order to protect votes, says the provincial Green Party.

"Our administration hasn’t the guts to draft and enforce logical public policy; scared of the political fallout of adopting such a position," said Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker in a news release.
"They say that 'PEI pays for abortion in other provinces' but this totally overlooks the fact that there is a massive medico-religious-bureaucratic gate-keeping system erected unnecessarily to make it difficult - not to mention expensive - to access this simple medical procedure."
P.E.I. is the only province in the country that does not provide abortions itself, instead sending patients to Halifax for the procedure.
A report uncovered by CBC News through a freedom of information request showed the province could save money by providing abortion services on the Island, but Health Minister Doug Currie told Health PEI to stop its planning on establishing an in-province clinic.
Currie has refused several requests from CBC News for an interview to explain the government's abortion services policy.