Lobster blockade faces court injunction

A blockade comprised of lobster boats continued at the Beach Point processing plant Thursday evening.
On Thursday afternoon, the Supreme Court of P.E.I. granted an injunction against the blockade. The injunction, filed by Beach Point Processing and 10056 P.E.I. Inc, names three specific fishermen. The lawyer for the companies said three boats of these fishermen are blocking an access road to the plant.
The injunction also names the Beach Point Harbour Authority, which owns the property where the blockade was set up.
Some fishermen remained on site Thursday evening. They said the boats hadn't moved, but there is space for emergency vehicles to come and go, should the need arise. They were otherwise tight-lipped about what might happen next.
The blockade went up Wednesday. Fishermen gathered there after deciding to tie up their boats to protest low prices. Fishermen are being offered about $3 a pound, but say they need $5 a pound to break even.