Lobster marketing levy gaining support
A recent survey of 300 lobster fishermen in western P.E.I. is showing growing support for a levy on their catch in order to create a fund for marketing.

Seventy five per cent of those surveyed in lobster fishing area 24 supported giving up a penny a pound for the new fund.
It's the kind of response P.E.I. Fishermen's Association president Mike McGeoghegan is hoping other fishermen will give the plan. McGeoghegan said an Island-wide vote will be held soon.
The PEIFA is working on plans for spending the money.
"We're trying to come up with a Fishermen's brand lobster that we can market ourselves," said McGeoghegan.
"It's got a fair trade component to it so that when you sell the product there's certain amount of it has to come back to the fisherman."
The money raised from the fishermen's levy would be matched by buyers and processors. The levy would raise about $500,000 for marketing each season.