P.E.I. fishermen build 23-metre long lobster roll
Crews filled the roll with almost 57 kilograms of filling, including 34 kilograms of lobster meat
And the bun is on the move. Organizers estimate this match will take 25 minutes <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PEI?src=hash">#PEI</a> <a href="https://t.co/yTHzF0xsKn">https://t.co/yTHzF0xsKn</a>
As part of the P.E.I. International Shellfish Festival, the association has been working since Saturday on the giant sandwich.
Teams prepared and baked one continuous roll that was just under 23 metres long. The N.B. record is 22 metres.
The group was aiming to bake a 30 metre long roll, but ran out of bread.
Event chairman Liam Dolan said the process has been a long one.

"It's going take eight to 10 hours to make the roll. And then we're going to carry it over by 60 fishermen," he explained.
"It's going to be carried over from up the street and in the back tent on Sunday afternoon."
In the end, it took 32 lobster fishermen to carry the roll to the main tent, plus a police escort.
Volunteers were stationed at a table made of lobster traps, as they stuffed the roll with almost 57 kilograms of filling.
About 34 kilograms of lobster meat was mixed with 11 kilograms of mayonnaise and 11 kilograms of vegetables.
The roll is expected to feed about 400 people.
Next step: generous garlic butter application <a href="https://twitter.com/PEI_Shellfish">@pei_shellfish</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PEI?src=hash">#PEI</a> <a href="https://t.co/Bj0yvt6cLu">https://t.co/Bj0yvt6cLu</a>