Lynne Lund to represent Greens in byelection
The Green Party of P.E.I. has announced its candidate for the upcoming byelection in Summerside-Wilmot.
Liberal Janice Sherry resigned from the Summerside seat earlier this month

The Green Party of P.E.I. has announced its candidate for the upcoming byelection in Summerside-Wilmot.
Deputy leader Lynne Lund will represent the Greens.
Lund ran in the neighbouring district of Kensington-Malpeque in the 2015 provincial election, and also has run federally in the Malpeque riding.
In her provincial campaign Lund won about 10 per cent of the vote, placing third, a little ahead of the NDP but well behind the second place Liberals.
The seat in District 21 has been vacant since Janice Sherry resigned Aug. 1. No date has yet been set for the byelection.
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