More P.E.I. forest firefighters to battle western wildfires
P.E.I. sends seven more firefighters to help with wildfire crisis in western Canada

Seven more Island forest firefighters are heading west to help battle the wildfires in western Canada.

Five Islanders left for Alberta Tuesday as part of a joint P.E.I./Nova Scotia fire team.
At the end of the week a firefighter with the department will be going to the Northwest Territories to act as a fire strike team leader and another will be going to British Columbia to help with fire equipment repairs.
"From all Islanders, we're very pleased that they're willing to step up when the call comes and that they're ready to go," said Mitchell.
"It's a lot to leave your family and go out into these situations, so we really, really appreciate that they are willing to do this."
Mitchell said even with the seven gone, P.E.I. will still have 25 trained forest firefighters remaining in the province.
He notes that in addition to the help these firefighters are providing to the other provinces, they return home with valuable skills that can be used if Prince Edward Island ever faces serious wildfires.