More specialized math teachers needed, says McIsaac
P.E.I. needs more elementary school teachers who have specialized in math, says Education Minister Alan McIsaac.

The province recently conducted a small survey of some elementary school teachers who teach math, and found none of them had a major in math. He says some had a math minor and some had a business background, but he says the province needs more specialists.
"If you have a child and you want to send that child to music, you send that child to a music teacher. If you want to send them to phys ed you send them to a phys ed teacher. But if you're going to send them to take math, it's not specifically a math teacher," said McIsaac.
"That's what we're trying to focus on, make sure that our teachers have the better training in that."
McIsaac said the province is working with UPEI to make sure more teachers coming out of the education program there have a background in math.
Earlier this week the Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce offered constructive criticism of P.E.I.'s education system at a government committee meeting. One of the points members made is that not enough math teachers are math specialists.