Old Home Week, celebration of P.E.I. agriculture, underway
The 127th Old Home Week begins in Charlottetown Thursday.
CBC News ·
A bit of what to expect at OHW
10 years ago
Duration 1:21
Some of the sights and sounds of this year's Old Home Week.
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The 127th Old Home Week begins in Charlottetown Thursday.
"It's a celebration, really, of the agriculture industry in P.E.I. I mean it's so vibrant here, and such a vital part of the Island's economy," said event co-ordinator Anna MacNeil.
The agriculture festival and carnival celebrates the Island's natural resources and history of farming.
For many it's a way to get in touch with their family's roots.
"It's just 10 days devoted to teaching people where their food comes from, getting them to meet the producers, things like that. So it's really bringing the farm to the city once a year."
Old Home Week starts Thursday and runs until next Saturday at the Eastlink Centre and Red Shores Racetrack and Casino, culminating with the Gold Cup and Saucer harness race.
P.E.I.'s celebration of agriculture, Old Home Week, includes harness racing and in particular the Gold Cup and Saucer race. (Old Home Week)