Opt out organ donation considered by Health PEI
A recent survey on organ donation has Health PEI thinking about moving towards an opt out program of organ donation.

Under the current system, a person has to indicate on their driver's licence or heath card if they want to be an organ donor in the event of their death.
A recent CRA survey found the majority of people in New Brunswick. Nova Scotia and Newfoundland would support changing the rules, so that someone would have to indicate they do not want to donate organs. It would mean you would be an organ donor unless you indicate you're not interested.
Dr. Richard Wedge expects that would increase the number of Islanders that donate their organs.
"Through the Halifax program we are able to tell how many Islanders have been done," said Wedge.
"Last year the stats were four people were organ donors ."
Wedge said Health PEI is lobbying to have government fund an organ donation co-ordinator position. That would allow for more education on how Islanders can be organ donors. Wedge believes most Islanders would support an opt-out program.
" I think getting that education out there and having that public debate is the way to go, and then do some sort of concerted effort towards an opt out program," he said.
Wedge said an opt-out program could make a big difference in the number of Islanders receiving life changing transplants.