P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture meets with Ontario Amish
John Jamieson holds meetings in Ontario with two Amish communities

The executive director of the P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture held two meetings on Saturday in Ontario with representatives from two Amish communities considering a move to the Island.
John Jamieson made presentations about farming on P.E.I.
"We went to two Amish communities, Millbank and Norwich, and it was kind of interesting, you know, the yard was full of buggies," said Jamieson.
"It was probably one of the more interesting days I've every had in my work career. I'd have to say that. I really, really enjoyed it. They welcomed us."
There are 250 families in Millbank, he said, and they have run out of farmland that they can purchase at a reasonable price. This has led them to consider a move to P.E.I., where land is cheaper.
Jamieson said there seems to be a lot of interest in buying farms in the eastern part of the province because of the size of the farms for sale there and the proximity to the town of Montague. He noted they also wanted to know about what kind of other work was available.
Last month two Amish families from southern Ontario paid a visit to P.E.I. to look at farm properties. Jamieson said some representatives are back on the Island this week getting more information.