P.E.I. Fishermen's Association confident lobster levy to go ahead
The levy is expected to generate more than $500K a year for marketing purposes

With the spring lobster season underway on some parts of P.E.I., the P.E.I. Fishermen's Association is optimistic the one cent per pound levy will go ahead as planned.
The money will be used for marketing and Island fishermen voted in favour of the levy last fall.
The executive director of the P.E.I. Fishermen's Association says last fall everything was falling into place and only cabinet approval was needed, but then the provincial election was called.
"We're hoping that's all back on track and then once that is approved, we are still optimistic that things can be implemented for the 2015 spring season. The way the marketing plan works, it would be due several weeks after the season, so there is time to track that information and make the payment," said Ian MacPherson.
There is some opposition in Nova Scotia to a levy, but MacPherson says the Island levy can go ahead regardless of what happens in the other Maritime provinces.
The money raised by fishermen would be matched by lobster processors, which is expected to be more than $500,000 a year on the Island.
MacPherson says in the first year, the Island levy will be managed by a group of representatives from the P.E.I. Fishermen's Association.