P.E.I. methadone program overwhelmed, says doctor
P.E.I. needs more doctors trained to prescribe methadone, according to the medical director of the province's methadone program.

Dr. Don Ling says the program is being overwhelmed by demand, with 260 current cases and more potential clients waiting. There are fewer than 10 doctors on P.E.I. who can take over the prescribing of methadone after clients leave the provincial addictions centre.
Ling was speaking at a meeting of doctors and nurses in Cornwall about addictions treatment in the province. He said he'd like to see the number of doctors prescribing methadone double.
"We'll do all we can to try and recruit more physicians into this work," said Ling.
"Days like this should help by exposing the amount of the issue and trying to encourage physicians to be methadone prescribers."
More than 200 doctors and nurses were at the Cornwall meeting. It was the province's first-ever joint training session to deal with the issue of prescription drug abuse.