P.E.I. roller derby going co-ed
Roller derby breaking into two leagues, introducing juniors play

The first co-ed roller derby match, coming up in September, is part of big growth in the sport on P.E.I.
"September 12th is Day of Derby Debauchery, and that will be our first premiere of ever having a co-ed game on P.E.I.," said player Megan Gaudet.
"We're really stoked about it. In the Maritimes there's not a whole lot of opportunity for the men to get to play. So we have two dudes out there on the track and they're really excited to show off what they've got to P.E.I."
Junior league established

League training director Sonya Gilles said it's a great way to keep the sport growing.
"It's been going on in the States for quite a few years, and those juniors are finally old enough to play big girl derby and they're some of the best ones," said Gilles.
Gilles said the league is open for anyone to try. They will even teach you to skate. The next training camp, for youth and adults, starts in September.
Derby builds confidence in kids, the league says. New recruit Lindsay West said she sees that in her kids who are participating, and in herself.
"Just getting your balance on the skates is difficult," said West.
"But from one time coming out to the next, huge differences, I've noticed in myself."
Athleticism can help, said Gilles, but the main thing is attitude, being willing to keep trying and not give up.