P.E.I. school closure policy approved by board
Some schools could close as soon as next year

P.E.I.'s English Language School Board approved a new policy Tuesday night to deal with rezoning and the shutting down of schools.
The policy lays out the process of evaluation and consultation to be followed the next time the board considers significant changes to school organization.
The P.E.I. Home and School Federation provided feedback on a draft of the policy. The federation said when the old Eastern School District closed eight schools in 2009, public meetings were held in a "fractious, combative atmosphere."
It's asking the new board, which combines the old western and eastern boards, to do better the next time.
Superintendent Cynthia Fleet said the board could provide her with direction at next month's meeting as to what schools, if any, need to be reviewed under the new policy.
Fleet told CBC News with this new procedure in place, it is possible that some schools could be closed by the fall of 2016.