P.E.I. winter weather will be mild but stormy, says Accuweather
El Nino will bring mild but stormy winter to P.E.I., forecaster predicts

We may be in for a mild but stormy winter on P.E.I., according to a new winter weather forecast from Accuweather.
The forecast, which was issued Wednesday morning, calls for a stormy winter on the Island, with more snow expected in West Prince, and more expected later in the season.
But, senior meteorologist Brent Anderson said, it will not be as bad as 2014-15.
"Certainly not like last winter," said Anderson.
"Hopefully we don't see another one of those for quite a while."
Last winter a series of blizzards pounded the Island for eight weeks starting on Jan. 27, leaving behind three metres of snow. It was the largest chunk of the 5.5 metres that would fall over a record-breaking six months from November to April.
While Anderson expects stormy winter, he does not expect a huge amount of snow. It will probably be above average in Prince County, 300 to 325 cm, and average, about 290 cm. in the rest of the province.
Temperatures will be warmer than normal, he said, and those mild conditions could favour storms that start as snow but change to ice or rain. The risk of ice storms will be higher.
As is normal for the Island, it will be colder in the west than in the east. That will mean more snow in Prince County, but an increased likelihood of ice storms in Kings.