PC leadership candidates attack Liberals, praise each other
Darlene Compton, Rob Lantz and James Aylward present a united front at town hall meeting

The three Progressive Conservative leadership candidates presented a united front in Cornwall Tuesday night at the third of four leadership town hall meetings.
About 200 people gathered to listen to and ask questions of James Aylward, Rob Lantz and Darlene Compton, each of whom offered nothing but encouragement to each other.
"I think that both Rob and Darlene and myself would be an excellent leader of our party, and a tremendous premier," said Aylward.
Instead, the candidates were saving their barbs for P.E.I.'s next premier.
"Wade MacLauchlan has not started a new party. It's the same party. It's the same Liberal government that's had failed policies and reckless administration for the last seven years," said Compton.
The standing-room-only crowd offered sometimes pointed questions.
All three candidates were asked whether they'd see abortions performed on P.E.I.
Aylward gave the only definitive answer, saying he supports the status quo.
In response to a question on environmental protection, Lantz said, "I don't think our buffer zones are wide enough. However, I think farmers, if we're going to widen those buffer zones, they need to be compensated for that in some way, shape or form."
The PCs are avoiding a divisive contest, trying to build up all three candidates so that no matter who becomes leader on Feb. 28, he or she can challenge for seats in the election that is expected to take place soon after.