Access PEI to open up Saturday mornings
Tignish office reopening Monday

Charlottetown's Access PEI office will open up Saturday mornings, starting this week, in an effort to reduce wait times.
COVID-19 closures and safety measures have made it harder for Access PEI staff to keep up with the demand for service, and there have been long lineups outside the Charlottetown office.
The office will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will offer services that are in high demand, such as driver's licence renewals and exchanges, vehicle renewals and transfers, and Class 5 and Class 7 appointment bookings.
The Saturday openings will continue until Oct. 31.
The province also announced it will reopen the Tignish office to the public on Monday.
Access PEI offices currently open to the public include O'Leary, Summerside, Wellington, Charlottetown and Souris.