Basin Head named among best Canadian beaches
Chatelaine has named a beach on P.E.I.'s eastern shore as one of the top 20 in the country.
Basin Head beach noted for its singing sands

Chatelaine has named a beach on P.E.I.'s eastern shore as one of the top 20 in the country.
The magazine says the Singing Sands beach at Basin Head Provincial Park is one of the country's most spectacular.
The magazine said Basin Head was its top pick from the 800 kilometres of beach on P.E.I.
It also noted there are cool places to stay nearby in Souris, and great golfing.

In 2013 named Basin Head the best beach in Canada.
Other nearby beaches named include Parlee Beach, Hopewell Rocks, Kejimkujik, Lawrencetown, and the entire Iles de la Madeleine.
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