Bluefield High School prom will happen, say parents
Event will have security guards and may ask students to sign a contract of good behaviour

Bluefield High students will get a prom after all — as a group of parents has booked the Eastlink Centre for a celebration off school grounds.
The school decided it wouldn't hold a prom this year. Parents and students told CBC it was because last year's prom had problems with drinking and vandalism.
"Parents need to take responsibility for some of it so let's get it going, the kids deserve it," said Lori Doucette, a spokesperson for the parents group.
Doucette doesn't blame the school for cancelling the prom.
"I've been there many times and have seen the damage and seen the escapades of some of the kids, it seems to get worse every year," she said.
Doucette has four children, with her youngest daughter graduating this year. She got involved because she couldn't bear the thought of one of her children not getting a prom, when all the others did.
She said planning for the new prom is still in the early stages. The group hopes to have a DJ and dance — with food, some casino-type games and a photo booth for prom-goers.
They have also booked about a dozen security guards to be on site, and are considering having students sign a contract to ensure good behaviour.
"You know if they cause damages or if they are caught with liquor on the premises then they will pay a fine and it will make them and their parents a little bit more responsible for what goes on," said Doucette.
The parents group plans to meet with students next month to go over logistics and to get their ideas.
Doucette is optimistic it will all go well.
"I don't think we'll have any problems".
The prom will be held on June 17.