Parking lot disturbance leads to firearms charges in Charlottetown
Gun, knives, brass knuckles found, 3 arrested

The Charlottetown police responded to a call of a man and woman arguing in the Walmart parking lot Tuesday morning around 9:30.
When police investigated the incident they found several knives, one pair of brass knuckles and a handgun, police said in a news release.
Three individuals, a Charlottetown man and women in their 20s and a Prince County teen were arrested at the scene, the release said.
All three have been charged with possession of a prohibited firearm, careless storage of a firearm, possession of a firearm without a license and possession of a prohibited weapon, referring to the brass knuckles.
All of the individuals were released with conditions and all will appear in Provincial Court at a later date, the release said.
Child and Family Services has been alerted of the teenager involved in the case, the release said.