Charlottetown police fine 2 more party hosts for exceeding guest limit
Hosts fined $1,000 under Public Health Act

Charlottetown police have fined two more people for hosting parties with more guests in attendance than permitted under COVID-19 measures.
Charlottetown police Sgt. Jennifer McCarron said officers responded to complaints of parties Friday at 11:45 p.m. in Brighton and Saturday at 12:50 a.m. in Lewis Point.
The party hosts were each fined $1,000.
McCarron said there were up to 80 people inside at one party and 50 at the other.
Under the Public Health Act, gatherings at private residences must not exceed 15 people indoors and 20 people outdoors from different households, while maintaining a two-metre separation.
It's the third time Charlottetown police have issued a fine for a violation of the gathering limit.
McCarron said people are wanting to socialize more with school and university back in session and may not be as "diligent" at adhering to COVID-19 measures.
"They're not taking it as seriously maybe as they should," she said.