Child-care subsidy increasing on P.E.I.
Rates for school-aged child care and private sitters going up

The child-care subsidy provided by the Prince Edward Island government is increasing.
Rates for school-aged child care and private sitters will be raised and the number of families whose child-care cost is fully subsidized will also increase, the province says.
The private sitter rate will increasing from $20 to $30 a day for infants and $20 to $25 for children two years and older, according to a government news release.
The half-day rate for child care before and after school increases from $10 to $15 and the full-day rate is increasing from $20 to $30.
The number of families who will receive full subsidy is increasing from 720 to 794 families.
The changes will benefit more than 200 Island children, according to the Department of Family and Human Services.
The Child Care Subsidy Program assists Islanders with the cost of child care and daycare services for children up to the age of 12.