P.E.I. health clinic lineups may be reduced with new pilot project
Skip the Waiting Room pilot project allows patients to register online, come when contacted

The province has launched a new pilot project to reduce the amount of time Islanders wait at walk-in clinics, called Skip the Waiting Room.
People have the option to register online and wait at home or at work to see a doctor.
When the appointment time nears, the patient receives a call or text message telling them to leave for their appointment.
"This project is one example of how technology is improving access to health services, and the Department of Health and Wellness is pleased to support the implementation of the pilot with funding of $40,000 over the next 12 months," Minister Currie said in a written release.
But online patients are seen only after all patients who have signed up in person are seen — several time slots at the end of each clinic are allocated for the patients who sign up online.
The pilot will be in place for the next year at the Boardwalk Professional Center Downtown Walk in Clinic.