No toll hike for cars on Confederation Bridge in 2021
Motorcyclists will have to pay extra 25 cents

The good news: There will be no increase in tolls at the Confederation Bridge in 2021 for all vehicles except motorcycles.
The bad news: It won't make much of a difference if COVID-19 travel restrictions are still in place.
The rate for cars and all other two-axle vehicles will remain at $48.50, payable when leaving the Island. The rate for each additional axle will remain at $8.25.
The rate for motorcycles will go up 25 cents to $19.50.
Under its agreement with the federal government, Strait Crossing Bridge Ltd., which privately manages the bridge, is permitted to increase tolls Jan. 1. Tolls may increase by an amount not exceeding 75 per cent of the increase in the Consumer Price Index, to account for inflation.
Last year, the toll went up 75 cents for two-axle vehicles. But in 2020, inflation was too low for an increase, said bridge general manager Michel LeChasseur.
'Not picking on motorcycles'
He said motorcycle rates went up because of how the formula is calculated cumulatively year over year.
"We're not picking on motorcycles, it just so happens the calculation is what it is," he said.
LeChasseur said bridge traffic is down about 90 per cent over last year ever since P.E.I. left the Atlantic bubble on Nov. 23. According to health measures imposed by the Chief Public Health Office, anyone coming in or out of P.E.I. is required to self-isolate for 14 days, with some exceptions.
LeChasseur did say, however, that there has been an increase in commercial traffic over last year, which he attributes to a booming construction industry on P.E.I.