Well field, playground equipment included in Cornwall budget
Town follows up on suggestions from residents, mayor says

The Town of Cornwall, P.E.I., recently passed a $5.5 million budget that includes a surplus. There are no increases in property taxes, fees or water and sewer rates.
The budget doesn't have a lot of big spending items, but money has been approved for upgrades to the town's lagoons and wastewater monitoring system and for the development of a new well field.
Money has also been approved for some playground equipment in three locations and for ball field lighting at the Terry Fox Sports Complex.
Cornwall Mayor Minerva McCourt said she is pleased many of the items that are in the budget were suggestions brought up by residents during the last municipal election.
"During power outages we had concerns regarding the water production," she said. "So in response to that, the town is going to purchase another generator so residents may be assured that we will have water production."