Source of Cousins Pond manure spill determined but not made public
The province has not released the cause or source of the spill

Cousins Pond on P.E.I.'s North Shore remains closed after a liquid manure spill and fish kill June 3.
In an email, a representative from the province told CBC it has determined how the spill occurred and the source of the manure, but did not release that information.
Contaminated water was also found four kilometres away, at Cousins Shore beach. The province has not confirmed whether the contaminated sites are connected.
Cousins Shore remains closed for swimming and shellfish harvesting.
The province said it expects the beach to be closed for a few more weeks as they're waiting to test the water after a rainfall.
More than 500 fish were found dead in the pond, and at Cousins Shore. At the time, samples were collected and sent to be analyzed.
An investigation is ongoing.