P.E.I. site for accessing negative COVID-19 results now in operation
People who test positive will still be phoned with the results

As promised earlier in the week, Prince Edward Islanders can now find out online if they have tested negative for COVID-19.
The provincial government's new web page went live on Thursday.
The Chief Public Health Office will still contact people directly by phone if they test positive for coronavirus.
However, confirmation of a negative test result will be displayed if people go to the site (see link at the bottom of this page) and enter their eight-digit P.E.I. health card number, its expiry date, their date of birth, and the date on which they were tested.
Results posted as soon as 24 hours after test
Results will typically be available within 24 hours of testing but could be delayed if a high number of samples are waiting to be analyzed, according to instructions on the site.
"Please allow up to 72 hours from the time of testing for your results to be available," the site says. "Results will be available online for 14 days from the date of your test."
People awaiting test results must self-isolate at least until they get a negative result. But if they have been tested because they were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, they must continue to self-isolate for the rest of the 14 days after the last contact with that person.