Dead fin whale spotted east of P.E.I., says DFO
Necropsies continue to determine causes of death of six right whales

A dead fin whale has been spotted during a recent aerial patrol carried out by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
The whale was located east of Prince Edward Island.
"The cause of death is unknown at this time and the Department is determining next steps," DFO said in a statement.
While six North Atlantic right whales have been found dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in June, the department said the whale seen on Friday was not one of the endangered species.
Necropsies continue
The investigation into the causes of death of the right whales continues. A necropsy on a second right whale was expected to begin Friday near Norway, P.E.I.

The necropsy on the first whale did not provide immediate answers, but tissue samples will be analyzed for further clues.
The three leading possibilities for the cause of the whale's demise are ship strike, entanglement in fishing gear, or a toxic algae bloom.
"DFO takes the protection and conservation of all marine mammals very seriously," said the department's statement. "DFO will continue to investigate the deaths of North Atlantic right whales and conduct patrols as required."