Dog euthanized following attack by two other dogs, says Humane Society
The P.E.I. Humane Society says it is investigating after a dog was euthanized following an attack by two other dogs in Stratford, P.E.I.
Incident still under investigation

The P.E.I. Humane Society says it is investigating after a dog was euthanized following an attack by two other dogs in Stratford, P.E.I.
"Due to injuries and the dog's health [and] age, the dog was euthanized after the incident," said Jennifer Harkness, development manager with the humane society in an email.
Harkness said she couldn't comment on the specifics of the case, but is working with the Town of Stratford and RCMP to investigate under the town's animal control bylaw.
"In these cases the PEIHS has no legal authority to remove companion animals from the owner's property when an owner is present without a court order," she said.
The dogs remain with their owner.