Dorian cleanup almost done in Charlottetown
Cleanup not as hard as it might have been

Charlottetown public works officials are finishing clean-up efforts following post-tropical storm Dorian.
Charlottetown saw some of the lightest winds in the province during the storm, which caused devastating damage in some areas. Charlottetown has been mostly focused on smaller debris and clearing catch basins for storm water sewers.
Scott Adams, manager of public works with the city, said some of the regular daily activities of the department were put on hold to deal with the aftermath of the storm, but things are getting back to normal now.
"We've been busy cleaning off those catch basins because if you leave those leaves sitting there too too long, especially with the water, it creates quite the barrier where water can't get in and just sits there," he said.
That can be a serious problem if more rain comes, because it has no place to go.
Adams said the cleanup wasn't as difficult as it could have been because most of the trees have not started to lose their leaves.
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With files from Angela Walker