More than 200 registrations for P.E.I. disaster assistance after Dorian
The program is to help cover costs of uninsurable damage caused by the storm

In the weeks following post-tropical storm Dorian, more than 200 Islanders and businesses have registered with the Canadian Red Cross as the first step in applying to the province's Disaster Financial Assistance Program.
The province launched the program last month to help Islanders cover the cost of uninsurable damages incurred when Dorian ripped through the province.
As of Thursday, the Canadian Red Cross has taken over administration of the program.
"People have been steadily applying … since the program has been launched," said Alanna Green, program manager for P.E.I. with the Canadian Red Cross.
When the assistance program was first announced, the Red Cross began taking registrations through it's existing information phone line. Now, it has partnered with the province to process the applications as well.
216 registrations so far with more expected
Before going through the formal application process, people interested in applying for the program must register with the Red Cross.
As of Oct. 1, the province said there have been 216 registrations, consisting of 180 individuals, 30 small businesses and six not-for-profits.
Green said those calling in have been spread throughout the province, and there is a range in how much damage they are dealing with.
"There's definitely tree damage, there's some flooding, localized flooding within homes, whenever sump pumps and stuff went down, some property damage," Green said.
Calls have been steady for the program
While it can be difficult to predict how many applications will come in, Green said the numbers that staff at the Red Cross are seeing so far match up with their expectations, based on other disasters they've dealt with.
"When we had to deal with the New Brunswick floods and assist the province there, there's obviously many more impacts in that type of response than there has been in this one," Green said.
"But overall fairly consistent to what we've seen from other responses as well."

Green said people have been calling in fairly steadily since the program was announced, with the volume of calls increasing as more people hear about the program.
Those who qualify are required to cover the first $1,000 of damage themselves. But those who can't afford the deductible can apply to have it waived.
The deadline to register with the Red Cross is Nov. 29.