Sex offender sentenced to 2 years in prison, victims feel weight lifted
Leo Arnold Dowling sentenced to 2 years in federal prison

An Island man who committed sex crimes against young girls decades ago was sentenced Thursday to two years in federal prison.
Leo Arnold Dowling, 63, victimized seven girls over a period of years in the 1980s and early '90s. Some of those victims, who ranged in age from 5 to 15 at the time, were in Charlottetown Supreme Court Thursday to witness the milestone on their long road to justice.
"We were victimized by him, but we were also victimized because we held this secret for 30 years," said one woman after court. "So it's almost like justice twice for us because one, we got this secret out. Two, he's convicted."
The victims cannot be identified, by court order.
The woman is one of the witnesses who testified at Dowling's trial last fall. He was convicted of 15 of the 17 charges against him, including sexual assault and sexual exploitation. The women's testimony revealed dozens of fondling incidents, taking place over many years.
There is nothing ... that will replace what you have lost.— Justice Nancy Key
At Dowling's sentencing Thursday, the judge assured the women their voices had been heard.
"I have read, heard and witnessed what happened to you," Justice Nancy Key said to the women as she sentenced Dowling. "There is nothing I or the court can do that will replace what you have lost."
In victim impact statements provided to court before sentencing, the women described trauma they experienced at the time as well as ongoing psychological struggles.
"It is worth it to come forward to get this off your shoulders, getting the truth out there," said the woman after court.
The two-year prison sentence was a joint recommendation of the Crown prosecutor and Dowling's defence lawyer.
"The offender was in a position of trust in relation to the victims," said Crown prosecutor Valerie Moore. "The offences were committed on multiple occasions. So it wasn't ... a momentary lapse of judgment."
Pleaded not guilty, no prior record
Dowling pleaded not guilty to all the charges, and continues to say he did nothing wrong. He had no prior criminal record.
Dowling will be on probation for two years after he gets out of prison. As part of that, he's not allowed to be around girls under 16, unsupervised.
His name will remain on the sex offender registry for life.