P.E.I. increases wages for early childhood educators
Centres to get support to implement pandemic safety plans

P.E.I. announced higher pay Monday morning for its early childhood educators, as well as financial support to child-care centres for health and safety measures.
The province said the pay increase announcement is specifics of funding that was announced in the provincial budget in June.
As of Oct. 1, educators will see pay increases between $0.50 and $1.50 per hour. Special needs assistants and autism assistants will receive a $1 per hour wage increase.
"This wage increase is the first step of a multi-year plan to support our early childhood sector and to encourage others to pursue a career in early childhood," said Education and Lifelong Learning Minister Brad Trivers in a news release.
The province also announced it will use part of its federal COVID-19 relief grant to provide licensed early learning and child-care centres with additional support staff, personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies to meet health and safety measures.