Edibles are now legal, but won't be coming to P.E.I. Cannabis stores right away
Government launching videos on risks of eating pot

The sale of edible cannabis products becomes legal Tuesday across Canada, but they won't be on P.E.I. store shelves immediately.
P.E.I. Cannabis will begin sending out purchase orders to suppliers of cannabis derivatives on Tuesday, according to a spokesperson at the Department of Finance. Products, including edible food items, beverages, topicals and extracts, should begin to appear on store shelves in coming weeks.
In some other provinces, rollout of the legal sale of cannabis derivatives has been delayed due to regulatory issues, and products are expected on shelves next month.
Government is also putting out new health and safety messages, including short videos on social media.
The videos feature Island actor Dennis Trainor. One advises viewers that cannabis edibles have delayed effects. It suggests people not ingest too much too quickly, but consume products slowly to gauge the potency of it before eating more.
It also warns Islanders that it's dangerous and against the law to drive while high.
Another video advises people to "stash their stash" properly, to keep it away from children, pets and others who might unknowingly ingest the products.
Staff at P.E.I. Cannabis stores have now received training on the sale of derivatives, according to the department of finance spokesperson. In addition to the educational videos, information on cannabis derivatives will also be available in stores.
P.E.I.'s public education effort is a joint project of the departments of finance, health and wellness, as well as justice and public safety.