Plans in the works for former Encounter Creek land
One acre to be used for recreation and a monument

A portion of the former Encounter Creek amusement park land is the subject of a rezoning application in the community of New Haven-Riverdale, P.E.I.
The application would see approximately one acre rezoned from commercial to "recreational and open area."
The land is part of more than 90 acres that was acquired by the province in 2012 for the Trans-Canada Highway realignment.
According to officials with the province, there's interest in purchasing a portion of it from a private party, with the intention of creating a monument site.
A spokesperson for the Department of Transportation says the province isn't able to identify the prospective buyer, because the sale of the land is dependent on the rezoning application.
Public will have chance to weigh in
A public meeting is set to take place at the Legion in New Haven on Oct. 25, where residents will have a chance to comment on the proposed bylaw change and amendments to the Community Official Plan.

According to that plan, published in 2010, "the New Haven Campground, former Encounter Creek and Fairyland Amusement Parks shall be considered as 'special permit use' within the Agricultural (A1) Zone for a campground. Any change of use shall require Development Bylaw and Official Plan amendments."
Much of Encounter Creek land remains unused
According to the province, once construction on the Trans-Canada Highway realignment was complete, the parcel of land was split into two.
One piece is a 32-acre section where the buildings, parking and pool of Encounter Creek were located.
The remaining Encounter Creek land, south of the new Trans-Canada Highway, hasn't been formally surveyed but is estimated to occupy 45 acres, based on aerial mapping.
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