Some NL fish plant workers head for P.E.I. processing jobs
'Between 50 and 75 employees ... are making their way to P.E.I.'

Some of the fish plant workers from Bay de Verde, Newfoundland displaced from their jobs by a fire at the local fish plant are coming to work in P.E.I.
Quinlans scramble to rebuild Bay de Verde plant, for cod as well as crab
- Displaced Bay de Verde workers offered support and jobs by P.E.I. Seafood Processors
Last week, the P.E.I. Seafood Processors Association called the Bay de Verde community office, offering support and work for the upcoming season if any out-of-work fish plant employees were interested.
"The initial feedback from that call has proven to be quite positive," said Dennis King, the association's executive director.
"There have been a number of individuals who have expressed interest and have made the commitment to make their way to Prince Edward Island for the spring lobster season which will begin May 1.
"The total right now appears to be somewhere between 50 and 75 employees that are making their way to P.E.I., which is positive news."
King expects the first will be arriving in the next few days, with some taking work in western P.E.I. and others in the eastern part of the province.
So far, they all appear to be local workers from Newfoundland, not the temporary foreign workers who were scheduled to take jobs in the Bay de Verde facility before the fire, King said.
Although the owners of the Bay de Verde plant, Quinlan Brothers, say they plan to rebuild, the plant won't be ready until next year at the earliest.