Garbage pickers banned from disposal sites for summer months
'Our sites are extremely busy'

Officials at P.E.I.'s Island Waste Management Corporation have banned people who pick through items at its disposal facilities during the summer months.
IWMC CEO Gerry Moore said the company's five waste disposal sites have become too busy to allow extra people in. It can be particularly dangerous when vehicles full of items are backing up to unload.
"June, July and August and September our sites are extremely busy," said Moore.
"If we have four, five or six people in looking for something and other people waiting to get in to dispose of goods. It just got to point where we had to do something."
Moore said his staff doesn't want anyone to get hurt. He said there has been one minor injury at one of the sites.
Pickers will be notified by staff and signage of the change. Moore said they will continue to welcome pickers from October to June.
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With files from Island Morning